Best motorcycle trips

Best motorcycle trips
Image by minh1857 from Pixabay
All motorcyclists dream of riding in exotic locales. That longing, it’s in our blood. Sometimes we see movies like Long Way Round/Down and think, “I’d love to ride there.” Other times we’ll see a beautiful landscape or glorious stretch of road while flipping through our favorite magazines or watching some movie or television show, and fantasize wistfully about what it would be like to be one with nature in that locale – with a motorcycle between our legs, of course.
Even more often, we daydream while slogging through our daily commute, wishing the traffic and smog would just dissolve so we could find ourselves on a winding ribbon of asphalt, slicing through a forest or hugging some coastline somewhere. Anywhere but here.
Ah, wanderlust – it’s what separates us from those filthy animals in their soul-sucking cages. Obviously, many of the world’s most renowned riding roads are relatively attainable and make great moto-vacations: Route 66, the Cabot Trail and Pacific Coast Highway come to mind. But we at dream bigger. We asked ourselves, “If money, time, family, jobs and everything else were chucked out the proverbial window, and we could ride any road anywhere – where would we go? Which road would be our ultimate motorcycling fantasy?” (Source:

10 of the world’s best motorcycle rides
Source: CNN | Image by mfsray from Pixabay
Few hobbies provide the same sense of freedom, speed, and adventure as a long motorbike ride. Here are a few of the best sights to see while biking throughout the world.
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Top 10 Motorcycling Roads Around The World
Source: Motorcycle | Image by Wolfgang Beisswenger from Pixabay
If you’ve ever dreamed of the freedom that a motorcycle trip can offer, these top 10 motorcycling roads from around the world will be the impetus you need to do something about it.
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The 10 Best Motorcycle Routes In The World
Source: Business Insider | Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay
The exhilaration of the wind blowing past you as you race down the world’s roads and byways is shared by motorcycle enthusiasts all around the world. MCE Insurance, a British company, has created a list of the World’s Best Motorcycle Routes in honour of the millions of individuals who ride their hogs, Harleys, and Hondas. It’s a broad list that includes everything from the United States and England to Greece and Vietnam.
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The world’s greatest motorcycle journeys
Source: Telegraph Travel | Image by xuuxuu from Pixabay
Colette Coleman, author of a new book about epic motorbike rides, selects ten of her favorite riding destinations. To meet the demand, motorcycle tour firms have cropped up all over the world, offering itineraries ranging from a weekend of riding in Iceland to a six-month journey through South America. Here are some tasters of what the world of motorcycling now has to offer.
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The 10 best motorcycle roads in the world
Source: Ride Expeditions | Image by JanHering from Pixabay
Have you ever considered all of the fantastic spots to ride a motorcycle throughout the world? It is said that if you think about something long enough, it will happen! Riding a motorcycle is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Ride Expeditions has the privilege of riding some of the world’s best highways, as well as the opportunity to visit wonderful places by motorcycle and meet amazing people along the way. So they thought they’d put together a list of some of the most epic motorcycle roads from California to Canberra – routes that you should make every effort to ride before you get too old!
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25 Greatest Motorcycle Touring & Travel Documentary Films
Source: Kickass Trips | Image by Steve Brandon from Pixabay
Traveling by motorcycle is one of the most liberating ways of exploring the world. The art of adventure riding a motorcycle is both a convenient, fun, independent and flexible way of traveling. The sense of freedom and pleasure that can be felt when riding a motorcycle is unrivaled in the world of travel, therefore it’s no surprise that several motorcycle documentary films have appeared in recent years. Kickass have compiled a list of the 25 most inspiring motorcycle documentary films of all time that are out there so you can soak them up, get inspired and hit the road for a fresh adventure yourself.
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5 of the best motorbike routes in the world
Source: Red Bull | Image by Josch13 from Pixabay
Are you fired up and ready to go? Holiday Extras has compiled a list of six of the world’s top motorbike routes to help you plan your next ride. The journey, not the goal, is the most important aspect of life. If you’ve ever fantasized about leaving it all behind and experiencing the globe from behind a pair of handlebars, here’s their guide to some of the most incredible, breathtaking, and downright difficult roads in the world.
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50 motorcycle rides to do before you die
Source: Motorcycle Paradise | Image by Wolfgang Beisswenger from Pixabay
Do you have a ride bucket list? You may well start one after reading this.
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