Best hiking holidays

Best hiking holidays
There is no better way to appreciate your surroundings than to walk or hike, especially if you are in a particularly scenic area. Whether you are a skilled backpacker or a passionate walker, these websites will whet your appetite for adventure by suggesting hiking and walking trails – the best in the world.

World’s best hikes: 20 dream trails
(Source: National Geographic)
Lovers of hiking were asked to present their 20 best dream trails. Here is the listing which includes technical details such as length and difficulty, best time to go and interesting details about the trail. “Ready for adventure”
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Best hikes in the world to put on your bucket list
(Source: Local Adventurer)
Local Adventurer has compiled their list of the 25 best hikes in the world that they consider should be placed on your bucket list. The information they provide includes distance, time required, best time to go and description.
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The best hikes in the world
(Source: Conde Nast Traveler)
The 13 best hiking trails are presented in a slide show with stunning photographs.
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The 50 best hikes in the world
(Source: Explore Magazine)
These 50 hikes are presented according to continent with descriptions given by people who have actually hiked these trails.
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Top 10 hiking trails in the world
(Source: Places to See)
This site is worth a visit, if only for the stunning photographs it presents.
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Take a hike: 30 most spectacular hiking trails around the world
(Source: Hella Wella)
Thirty of the most beautiful hiking trails along with stunning photographs are presented here.
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Top 10 hikes in the world
(Source: Reader’s Digest)
This page is described as “A wish list of the most amazing treks on the planet.” Incredible photographs and brief descriptions of Reader’s Digest top 10 hikes in the world, presented over several pages.
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Take a hike: 6 of the world’s greatest treks
(Source: G Adventures)
Seven of the most beautiful, challenging and rewarding treks to be found. Includes information about the best time to go and links to further information.
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The world’s 100 best walks
(Source: Walkopedia)
Following William Mackesey’s quest to identify the world’s 100 best walks according to a system and with the purpose to experience all these walks himself, this website is a very useful guide to the best walks in the world. Walks are measured according to beauty, natural interest, human interest, charisma and negative points.
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10 best hiking trails in the world
(Source: Boots ‘n All)
By providing detailed information and supporting it with amazing photographs, this site is worth a visit. They even suggest how you can plan a long-term trip around the world, incorporating these hikes as features on your trip, starting in New Zealand and ending in Honolulu.
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Eleven of the world’s best walks you can do in one day
(Source: Traveller)
If you are a passionate walker but don’t have the luxury of time, these suggestions may be just the thing. Descriptions are detailed, but no photos are provided.
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10 best day hikes in the world
(Source: Earth Trekkers)
Earthtrekkers have suggestions for 10 hikes that can be completed in no more than a day – some even less. Quench your passion for hiking with these ten suggestions.
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Thirty seven world class walks
(Source: Wanderlust)
Whether you like teetering on mountain ridges or prefer a gentle jaunt along the beach, Wanderlust magazine has found the best wanders the Earth has to offer. Get your boots on…
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Forty three walking tours we love around the world
(Source: Travel and Leisure)
Travel and Leisure have compiled a listing of favourite city walking tours around the world. They have divided these up into 9 cities with attractions described in each city.
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The world’s best glacier trekking getaways
(Source: http://www.myseveralworlds.comMy Several Worlds )
Why not combine your love of trekking with the beauty of glaciers? Glacier treks come in a range of exciting opportunities for beginners and experienced climbers – and here they are listed.
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