Best activity holidays

If lying around doing nothing is not for you, then these listings will give you a wealth of options to keep your holiday active.

Best diving holidays
Do you have a dive bucket list for 2021? These suggestions will help you compile your own bucket list of places you would like to dive.

Best Golf Resorts
Golfing is a sport that can be enjoyed around the world. Beautiful scenery, fresh air and the excitement of playing in a new environment. The golfing holidays listed here all have one thing in common. They are the best of the best!

Best hiking holidays
There is no better way to appreciate your surroundings than to walk or hike, especially if you are in a particularly scenic area. Whether you are a skilled backpacker or a passionate walker, these websites will whet your appetite for adventure by suggesting hiking and walking trails – the best in the world

Best motorcycle trips
“If money, time, family, jobs and everything else were chucked out the proverbial window, and we could ride any road anywhere – where would we go? Which road would be our ultimate motorcycling fantasy?” (Source: