Best cruises

Best Cruise Holidays
A cruise ship or cruise liner is a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship’s amenities are a part of the experience, as well as the different destinations along the way, i.e., ports of call. Transportation is not the only purpose of cruising, particularly on cruises that return passengers to their originating port (also known as a closed-loop cruise), with the ports of call usually in a specified region of a continent. There are even “cruises to nowhere” or “nowhere voyages” where the ship makes 2–3 night round trips without any ports of call. (Source: Wikipedia)

Best cruise overall
(Source: Cruise Critic)
The best cruise ships overall chosen by cruisers. All rankings are based on member review ratings for cruises taken in 2016. These overall best cruises are divided into large, mid-sized, small-mid and small ships so there’s something for every taste.
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Best cruises
(Source: USNews Travel)
The best cruise ships overall chosen by cruisers. All rankings are based on member review ratings for cruises taken in 2016. These overall best cruises are divided into large, mid-sized, small-mid and small ships so there’s something for every taste.
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Top 10 cruise ships
From the best cruise ships at sea to the best cruise deals around, look no further – you’ve arrived at the right place. Here have put together an incredible collection of sailings across your favorite cruise lines, as well as information on cruises to Bermuda, the Caribbean, Mexico, Europe, and beyond. Take some time to look around. Find the best cruise lines at sea and learn how easily it is to find yourself onboard the best cruises imaginable.
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Quiz: What is the best cruise line for you
Not too sure which type of cruise ship suits you? Try this quiz…
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40 of the world’s best cruise holidays
(Source: The Guardian)
Cruises are no longer the preserve of affluent pensioners. Now there’s yoga, goth bands, wildlife watching, Star Wars parties and zombies – although not all on the same boat
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Best family cruise deals
(Source: The Telegraph)
Do you want to take the whole family on a cruise but wonder if you canafford it and if the kids would enjoy it? Browse through this listing. You’re bound to find something suitable.
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Best cruises for couples
(Source: USNews Travel)
Do you and your significant other dream of sailing away into the sunset? U.S. News ranks 49 Best Cruises for couples based on an analysis of reviews and health ratings. You can filter your search based on price, region, traveler type and brand to find the best ship and itinerary for you.
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Best cruises for families
(Source: USNews Travel)
Do you want the family to experience the excitement of cruising the seven seas? U.S. News ranks 55 Best Cruises for Families based on an analysis of reviews and health ratings. You can filter your search based on price, region, traveler type and brand to find the best ship and itinerary for you.
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Best cruises for groups
(Source: USNews Travel)
Are you a person that likes to share your adventures with other people? U.S. News ranks 14 Best Cruises for Groups based on an analysis of reviews and health ratings. You can filter your search based on price, region, traveler type and brand to find the best ship and itinerary for you.
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Best cruises for singles
(Source: USNews Travel)
Are you a single? U.S. News ranks 14 Best Cruises for Groups based on an analysis of reviews and health ratings. You can filter your search based on price, region, traveler type and brand to find the best ship and itinerary for you.
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12 best cruises for first timers
(Source: Cruise Critic)
Planning your first cruise can feel like an overwhelming undertaking. There are indeed so many choices, from “party boats” in the Caribbean and luxury yachts in the Mediterranean to river cruises in Asia and expedition ships in Antarctica. You need to put some careful thought into just what kind of traveler you are (Foodie? Adventurer? Night owl?) and which type of cruise vacation you really want, while also factoring in such practicalities as budget, the departure port and the length of the trip. So how do you figure out if a cruise line’s personality is compatible with your needs? Simply read through Cruise Critic’s handy shortlist of the very best cruise lines for first-timers.
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